रविवार, 23 अप्रैल 2017

बस यूँ ही ३०

मन से आवाजें आती है कि उन्हें दबाने के लिए लाउडस्पीकर लगाते है ये !
भगवान से इतने दूर हो गए है कि चिंघाड़ कर चिल्ला कर जताते है ये !

गुरुवार, 25 दिसंबर 2014

बस यूँ ही २९

कुछ लिखा, कुछ अनलिखा
कहीं स्याही तो कहीं स्याह
जाने क्या सच, क्या है गढ़ा
आँखे देखें वही जो गया मढ़ा
कभी हम चिल्लाएं, कभी बगल हो जाएँ
और इसका निर्णय भी कोई और कर जाये 


मंगलवार, 25 फ़रवरी 2014

First Experience of Politics

First Experience of Politics:-

As a 6 year old, Traveling to rural areas on BJP Election Campaigning Jeep and chanting on Mike & Loud Speaker "जहाँ भी देखे कमल छाप वही लगावे मोहर आप" during 1990 Bihar Assembly election. If I recall correctly, Candidate name was Jaya Jain. 

First Political Rally Alone:-

Next year 1991 LS Polls, Despite restriction from family not to go alone to attend speeches, as they feared stampede may happen. Being Stubborn I used to be, went to hear Rajiv Gandhi without letting anyone know. (I doubt anyone knows till date, unless someone care to read this). As, disappointing Indians is habit of first family, Mr. Ex PM didn't turned up. after 4-5 hour of fake assurance (which congress leaders are expert in giving) they finally accepted he is not coming when it was dark enough. To be honest, as a small town child I was more interested in seeing the chopper but denied. This was only few days before 21st May 1991. few years later Attended one where I met LK Advani, when he reached Arrah on his Rath at 10 PM. Thankfully 10 PM rule was not there at that time.

First Vote:-

Having missed 2004 LS elections due to being minor before enrollment cutoff date despite being officially 18 on election day, (Thankfully nowadays voting registration is much easier) My first Opportunity came during 2005 Maharashtra assembly election. Voting at 7.33 AM as very first voter (start time that time 7.30 AM) just before catching L&T bus, as that day we had customer visit and it was difficult to return by 5 PM. Gajanan Kirtikar from Shivsena was candidate and then MLA.

With 24 Years I can call myself a Proud veteran BJP Supporter.

मंगलवार, 12 नवंबर 2013

भोर अब होने को है, अंजोर अब होने को है

जिस चाँद की चाँदनी के दर्शन को अभिशापित हम
उस पर धरा के साये को, हम अब टटोलने को है

दर्पण की स्याह से बेचैन होकर कहें हम अब
भोर अब होने को है, अंजोर अब होने को है

जिंदगी के कुछ सपने धीरे धीरे जिन्हें ममोड़ते है हम अब
काँच चुन चुके घायल हाथों से , सपने फिर से पिरोने को है

इस ब्रह्म मुहूर्त में सपने भी सच्चे होते जाएँगे
विदाई की बेला में कोई कड़वा सच क्यों मुझे झकझोरने को है

शनिवार, 12 अक्टूबर 2013

बस यूँ ही २८

यादें  भी अजब मेरे महबूब की, जब आयें तो बेमौसम बारिश साथ लाती है,
अदायें भी गजब उनकी, दिखाएँ तो कभी तूफान तो कभी जलजला ढाती है !

गुरुवार, 5 सितंबर 2013

A dream to become class monitor

I was in Standard 1, I was simply amused by power of class monitor and wanted to exercise those powers. but then I was youngest in class, atleast 1 year younger than second youngest kid.....  Those days that was clearly seen from my structure ....there were no chance I could have been chosen for that coveted job by election or selection.

but then I was still a kid and I wanted to lead and Lead at any cost, hardly exposed to education which mild characteristics of my 'Rajputana' blood. Though my family never taught me this, but than surrounding does affect too, Caste-ism and Varna system were deeply rooted in me by then. (thanks to further education now its not). Compromise is virtue of cowards. I was 5, young and petite, almost all door closed, but born in land of Chanyakya and Kunwar Singh, I had learned to be satisfied to be mediocre. If 80 Year old can do why can't 5 year old young. Politics and Bravery were there in our soil and soul. 

I planned, I choose two teachers whom I had never seen talking to each other, Lets Call Miss A and Miss B. So I declared Myself self proclaimed Monitor. I was questioned by student, I told them I have been made monitor by Teachers. They were never trained to question teacher's decision even if they feel they are right. They told them thinking that is their only duty to inform. Rest everything will be taken care by system. I told Miss A that Miss B has made me monitor and Miss B that it Miss A and one of the names to other teacher. I was on my toes every second to defend my position and powers, I manipulated like a politician leading a govt of collisions and survived entire year.

Roaming in School during breaks pretending I am doing some work, allowing and controlling other to go for their break and letting them depend on me. Taking Cynical pleasure of listening "May I come in Monitor" when teachers were not there and giving them a look that they taken more time than normal to make them feel the guilt.

There were times I was almost caught, but I argued confidently, I was confident, they were in Late 20s and early 30s full of forgetfulness and lot of other tension. while my plan were pure: I wanted to have Power, Sheer Power as per my imagination depending on my awareness till then. I had what I wanted to have.

My conscience were not dead. I knew my plans will not hurt anyone, I had stories of Aurangzeb and Ashok. When you are not in default heir of something you want you need to make it happen. But then I was not going to kill someone like them. I was just taking people's ignorance and disinterest in many things for granted. A calculative risk to accomplish my dream. I was honest enough to confess the entire plan after that year. They were furious, but I was kid a Juvenile kid, They selectively ignored this, may be because I was too young, may be because they didn't wanted to accept that they were trolled by a young kid.

I never did this again in life. I did become monitor by both selection, election and by also by consensus again when I deserved.

May be I deserved in standard 1 too. because I had guts to plan things, take risks and execute them to realize my dreams, I wish I continue to do so.

PS: This can be a work of fiction or reality. I don't subscribe to all the view of narrator in the write up.

रविवार, 1 सितंबर 2013

जहाँ मन भयमुक्त हो

जहाँ मन भयमुक्त हो और सर गर्व के साथ उठा हो
ज्ञान निशुल्क हो जहाँ 

जहाँ दुनिया को टुकड़ों में बांटा नहीं गया हो
संकीर्ण आपसी दीवारों से

जहाँ शब्द सत्य से परिपकव हो निकलते हो 
जहाँ अथक प्रयास निपुणता की ओर अग्रसर हो

जहाँ विवेकशीलता ने अपना रास्ता नहीं खोया हो 
कुरीतियों के सुनसान रेगिस्तान में

मन जहाँ तुम्हारे नेतृत्व में आगे बढ़े 
असीमित सोच और कार्यों के लिए 

ऐसे स्वाधीन स्वर्ग में, हे भगवान, मेरे देश की सुबह हो

-- Tagore from Geetanjali (used in Madras Cafe)

Translated in Hindi by yours truly (excuse the mistakes)